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Founders of the Firm

George D. Golubov

President of the Firm.
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Deputy Minister of Justice of the USSR.
Meritorious Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Expert Councils for Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Systematization and Codification of Law and for Civil Law under the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of RF.
Member of the United Commission for Coordination of Law Drafting;
Member of the Scientific & Consultative Council at the High Arbitration Court of RF;
Arbitrator of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of RF;
Legal advisor of the Research Center of Private Law under the President of RF.

Olga V. Zabelinskaya
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Deputy Head of Commercial Law Department at the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.
Member of the Expert Council for Insurance and Non-Public Pension Security of the State Duma of RF.

Her specialty is corporate law, the securities market law, insurance.

Margarita D. Lukashova - Director.
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Head of the Commercial Law Department at the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.
Meritorious Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Consultative Council of the State Registration Chamber at the Ministry of Justice of RF.
Member of the Expert Council for Banking Law and Foreign Exchange Market of the Committee for Credit Institutions and Finance Markets of the State Duma of RF.
Arbitrator of the Private Arbitration Court at the Union of Lawyers of RF.

Her specialty is banking and finance law, foreign investment law, corporate law, and securities market law.

Igor A. Prikhodko - Director
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Deputy Head of Commercial Law Department at the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.
Doctor of Law.
Member of the Scientific & Consultative Council at the High Arbitration Court of RF.
Arbitrator of the Private Arbitration Court at the Union of Lawyers of RF.

His specialty is civil law and process, pleading in common courts, private and public arbitration courts.

Svetlana S. Rytkina
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Chief Expert of the Commercial Law Department of the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.

Her specialty is codification and systematization of law, finance and labor law.

David E. Tiagai - General Director
Prior to incorporation of the firm - Deputy Head of the Commercial Law Department at the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.
Doctor of law.
Member of the Expert Council for the Securities and Stock Market Legislation of the State Duma of RF.
Arbitrator of the Private Arbitration Court at the Union of Lawyers of RF.
Licensed by the Supreme Court of the State of New York as a foreign legal consultant on Russian law with a right to a respective practice.

His specialty is civil and commercial law, the securities market law, foreign investment law, foreign exchange law, tax law and in structuring of the deals.

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